Monday, June 11, 2012

Getting my beach and shabby-chic on

Recently, I got in the creative zone, so decided to convert just one of my (empty nest) guestrooms into a home office for just me. Now, we already have an "official" home office, with the obligatory computer desk, bills and family info filed, etc. That's actually the one my husband uses, and umm..let's just say he keeps a tad of a messy desk. (Good thing that desk has close-able doors, LOL!)

Certainly he knows where EVERYTHING is..but with my bent toward the orderly (and the pretty), it does not seem to my psyche to be a workable solution. He just does not appreciate my nice neat piles and cute accessories..but he does have an industrial sized's all in how you look at it, isn't it? own office! Fortunately, I have a good laptop, a kindle and now a smartphone (finally got one at the urging of the grandkids..all the while I was protesting "why would I want to see the internet on that tiny screen???"...however, I have now entered the 21st century and am finding it quite favorite feature being the voice feature for messaging! No more hunt and peck on that tiny keyboard for me! Plus of course the apps...but..I digress..)

 All those electronic gadgets now..the docking stations were starting to clutter up my bedside table..and I do so hate clutter! Therefore, I can easily justify the use of a whole room for that, plus a new opportunity to decorate (which I never could do when I had an office at work!) and organize my stuff. Decorating and organizing being WAY cheaper than therapy in my view! (you know how it is when you can't "fix" something, well cleaning/decorating/organizing is my way to fix something else! Works for me!)

My dear husband built me a shabby-chic desk (I LOVE HIM), and I brought my sister's Victorian fainting chaise in, and some things a dear old friend gave me after Katrina, an old ornate dining room chair I covered with yellow get the picture, it is turning into a beach cottage/shabby chic office! Lots of light, looking out on the golf course and the back yard. Hydrangeas abloom outside my windows, and my own little private deck with my Mother's day fountain that my hubby gave me (did I mention I LOVE HIM??) with adirondack chairs and pots of flowers and herbs and veggies.

Then, to feed my un-ashamed addiction to office supplies, I have a large double-door closet to organize them in. Haven't really had to buy anything, just had to gather it all up from other places in the house. The only problem I can see is, when the grandboys come, putting down air mattresses in this very girly office may not suit them..oh well, so far they have enjoyed putting together model airplanes in here! We have lots of other places they can sleep!

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