Saturday, July 7, 2012


This morning, on awakening, the Lord had a few interesting words for me.  (Well, I mean are His words ever NOT interesting???  Duh...)

Knowing my medical background, and that I've never been any good at the questionable skill of denying reality, and have been carefully instructed in the skills of assessment of what I see with my natural eyes, He had a very simple instruction for me:

"What you can see in the natural, it is what it is.  But what I am doing in the supernatural, is moving mountains.  Not necessarily in the way you would think or do, but nevertheless, that's what I am doing.  You do not have to deny natural reality, but I ask you to celebrate, concentrate and elevate your thoughts and self-talk on supernatural reality--WHAT I AM DOING. You have taught it, now do it!"

Geez, you'd really think I would have this down pat..but no.  Considering the fact that He taught me ( yes, once again...sigh..) to appropriate all that fruit of the Spirit that is always available to me...earlier this week, seems like I have been sorta "back to basics" of late.

Now, there are some rather sizable "issues" (don't you just love that term, it sounds so sanitary and rather socially acceptable!) on our family's radar screen lately.  So, I had to ask myself: Do I have the requirement from my end, faith just the size of a teensy mustard seed is all He's asking for...?  OK, I decided I could manage that.

So, for this early morning lesson, I thank the Lord, profusely and with great humility.  And following on the heels of this new (old) revelation, early this afternoon, He was so gracious to let me get a tiny peek at His activities on my behalf!

Isn't this so hard to learn and remember sometimes?  Or is it just me??  Anyhoo..once again, it just proves I'm His favorite child.


  1. Ugh. I was just saying to someone this week, "It's so much harder when *you have to *do what you've been telling others for years." We get to have another go at it from time to time. Thank God! Love that you share and are real, friend.

  2. Thanks Annette! Real is all I know how to do!
